Behind The Scenes
Jana and her mentor Brian Taylor at the Photo ID opening at Museum of Art & History, 2013
Transfigurations wins the gold from the Independent Publishers Book Awards. New York, 2012
Transfigurations as part of the Visibly Invisible exhibit at the Cabrillo Gallery. Oct, 2010
Jana and Jamison Green do a joint talk and signing at Bookshop Santa Cruz. Oct, 2011
Bookshop Santa Cruz patrons wait to have their books signed, Oct, 2011
Jana after hanging the SF LGBT Center exhibit, Oct, 2005
Aidan and Lyle of Transfigurations at the New York CIty opening at I Gallery, Feb. 2, 2007
Jana and theare director Mark Robinson ham it up at the NYC opening at I Gallery, Feb, 2007
Dr. Paul Kantrowich, Jana and actress Kristen Vaughan at the New York CIty opening at I Gallery, Feb. 2, 2007
Jana and Amy after hanging the SF LGBT Center exhibit, Oct, 2005
Crowd gathers at I Gallery, NYC, for a lecture and discussion on Transfigurations. Feb, 2007
Jana and Eric S. at the San Jose Museum of Art opening of Post Portrait. Transfigurations hung next to Richard Avedon!
Jana with her sister, costume designer Valerie Ramshur, and her husband Steve at the Igallery opening in NYC. Feb, 2007
Jana being interviewed for Italian television at the New York CIty opening at I Gallery, Feb. 2, 2007
Jana with I Gallery curator Eric Allem Carter at the NYC opening
Jana and Jamison Green feverishly signing books. Oct, 2011
Jana and Jamison lecture at BSSC. Oct, 2011
Participants of Transfigurations, Stephan and Beth, signing each others books.
Transfigurations opening at I Gallery in New York CIty, Feb. 2, 2007
Jamison Green really wants to have a stand-up comic routine together!
Cecilia gets interviewed in front of her photograph at the opening of Transfigurations at Good Vibrations in San Francisco. July 10, 2006
Kirby Scudder of the SC Institute of Contemporary Art, Amy and Jana, hanging the premiere of the revised exhibit at the Attic. May, 2006
It takes a lot of math to hang an exhibit!
Kirby Scudder shares his installation tricks with Amy for the SCICA show. May, 2006
Jame D. Houston and George Ow, Jr. at the opening of Transfigurations at SCICA The Attic, on May 5, 2006
Hanging the premiere of the revised exhibit SC Institute of Contemporary Art, May, 2006
Opening of Transfigurations at SCICA The Attic, on May 5, 2006
Jana being interviewed for GTv with Greg Archer, Oct, 2011
Jack, Lyle and Jamison at the opening of Transfigurations at Good Vibrations in San Francisco. July 10, 2006
I Gallery Opening, NYC, 2007
After a lecture and slide show by Jana and Aidan's film "Just a Boy," a panel discussion ensued including Beth, Kara, Aidan, Leigh and Lyle of Transfigurations. I Gallery, NYC, Feb, 2007
Flynn and Seth hang the exhibit for Trans Awareness Week 2007 in Seattle, as part of the Gender Odyssey Conference.
The Seattle exhibit at Kaladi Brothers, 2007
Lyle and Jana with Illinois State University Diversity Advocacy director Angela Davenport and coordinator Ennrique Rebolledo, Oct, 2008
Jana and Illinois State University Galleries Curator Barry Blinderman at the ISU lecture, Oct, 2008.